Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Samsung helped students from different countries connect and learn using its technologies

Samsung’s Smart School program has helped connect elementary students from Portugal and South Korea using its video conferencing and virtual reality technologies.  Samsung launched its Smart School program in Portugal in 2013, and has quickly expanded it to 13 smart classrooms.
The South Korean technology giant has been trying to improve education for disadvantaged students by helping to bridge IT accessibility gap in classrooms.  Samsung used its teleconferencing devices, tablets, and the Gear 360 virtual reality camera in its Smart School setup to connect kids who live eight time zones apart from each other. The program has also helped classes achieve a 100 percent success rate and increased the enrolment number.
Have a look at this video where disadvantaged elementary school students fr0m Portugal and South Korea greet, interact, discuss, and learn from each other while enjoying at the same time. Eunkyung Jeong. a teacher at an elementary school in South Korea said that the Smart School program has been “encouraging the students to be more proactive and enabling teachers to provide feedback instantly.”

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