Monday, 22 August 2016


In 2011, the conflict in Syria started with great violence over children. This conflict started as a result of the graffited anti-Bashir al-Assad messages on several buildings in Daraa city. Syrian Police arrested these children and as a result a lot of protest and disagreement from people of Darra came into being. People protest against the regime and cruel government. The police and Syrian government answered with great violence. By time, this conflict turned into armed conflict against the government. Till now 70,000 Syrians have been killed due to this conflict and has turned into a form of war.

After World War 1, France secured control over Syria as a suppressor of war. He subsequently, started their own rule in Syria. In 1940, France fell to Germany and their grip on Syria loosened. After that Syria made their own army and became member of UN. In 1946, Syria got complete independence. Syria fought against Israel the 1948 and then again fought against Israel twice more in 1967 and 1973. The results of these wars were against Syria and Israel won these wars. In 1970, Baath party member Hafez al-Assad took control of Syria in an attack. Assad became president in 1971, and in 1973 he eliminated the Syria’s constitution that the president should be a Muslim. Assad continued a cruel government with violence. As a result of this violence a large number of deaths occurred in Syria along with innocent children. Assad continued to rule till its death in 2000. After his death his son Bashir al-Assad took control of Syria. Assad started political conflicts during his early years of rule. In the end of 2000, Assad released several hundred political prisoners. The Muslim brotherhood was greatly destroyed at HAMA and public protest came into being.

  In 2011, Syrian police forces attacked protesters that had gathered in support of revolutionaries in Egypt. As protests continued, the Syrian government showed their interest in safeguarding human rights and in rising the country's state of emergency law, which stopped protests. On Although Assad lifted the state of emergency. On April 21, 2011, rights groups in Syria reported that the government continued to violently suppress protesters. They were forced to stop protest and go to their homes. The UN said to the Syrian government to stop violence against these protestors.

This violence carried on with time and a lot of innocent people and little kids are murdered. With the passage of time this issue has become more complicated. This is not only due to the violence attacks by the government but also due to the different groups present in Syria which are taking advanctage of this situation and life of many innocent one is in danger.

In press a story of little child has been published showing the pitiable condition of children. The most dreadful thing seen is the condition of children; this war is destroying lives of many Syrian’s especially children. “There are thousands of stories of wounded children whose limbs have been blown off, with wounds to the stomach and head,” said Dr. Abu Al-Baraa.
A bombing raid on the rebel-held district of Salhin in Aleppo killed seven people on Thursday and wounded many more, he added.
“One child was wounded in the chest and head. We tried to stop the bleeding and give him a transfusion, but he was in critical condition and he died.”
“He was almost six years old. These are the cases seen every day.”. their conditions were pitiable.
after all middle east video strongly condemn this war as this is disgrace to humanity. it is destroying humanity.


Women rights has always being a big issue since the start of this world. Whether, it is any religion or state women’s have their own special rights which has to be fulfilled according to their need. In some countries there are proper laws on women rights and women are given great respect but in some states women are deprived from their rights. Women are also taking part in economy of countries. There is special part for them in their countries.
Let us talk about women rights in the Middle East and North Africa region. If we talk about general problems facing women in the Middle East, their lifestyles and conditions is often not forgettable. Deep survey about Middle East women has told that these women are weak, and has not given much importance. It can be seen that in Saudi Arabia women are allowed to drive cars and even not allowed to come out of their homes.. In reality, Saudi Arabia’s versions of both Islam and sexism are rather unique in their severities, although the rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan is now emulating the sexist Saudi model. Women also enjoy political and social rights in many Muslim countries, and Egypt has recently granted women the right to divorce their husbands. In Tunisia, abortion is legal, and polygamy is prohibited. Women have served as ministers in the Syrian, Jordanian, Egyptian, Iraqi, and Tunisian governments, and as Vice President in Iran.
The Middle East (including Israel) is unduly hostage to clerics, who do not allow the codification of civil personal status laws. For example, only Cyprus, of all the Middle Eastern countries, recognizes interfaith marriages. Furthermore, Islam has sanctioned and perpetuated many sexist practices and views, including polygamy, the stigmatization of menstruation, the requirement of obedience of wife to the husband, and the inequality of inheritance and court appearances. All these rules  have at one point or another been part of Christianity cultures.
In the present-day Middle East, the Western powers’ responsibility (America’s in particular) for the current state of affairs, cannot be denied. American governments have supported Saudi Arabian Islam and have funded armed Islamic fundamentalist groups, which have tormented Middle Eastern women and frustrated their efforts at emancipation. Furthermore, since many of the oppressive governments in the Middle East survive only because of Western military and economic support, the responsibility for local oppression has external dimensions.

The graph above shows women empowerment in middle east countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Algeria and Tunisia. This graph shows clearly the status of empowerment according to time from 1940 to 2010. In this graph Saudi Arabia has the lowest empowerment rate or women.

The graph above shows justice for women in middle east countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Algeria and Tunisia. This graph shows clearly the status of justice during the period 1970 till 2015.

This graph shows the gender equality in middle east countries. The worst situation in terms of gender equality  is found in Saudi Arabia. Gender inequality is here an official doctrine and it has been frequently accused of gross violations of women’s rights by international organizations. Yet, a couple of positive changes can be noted in the past few years. Women’s property rights have improved significantly recently, and women are generally not subjected to forced labor by the state.

Sunday, 21 August 2016


Child Labour is actually the assignment of work to little children in a very small age which snatches their right of childhood and playing. Little kids are little angels and childhood is not the age of work. It is very innocent age which flourish minds of children and prepares it for future but child labour has closed this opportunity for children. little innocent and small children are doing their duties as laborers, weighters, family duties etc. Child labour has increased to very much extent, through most of history. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, many children aged 5–14 from poorer families still worked in Europe, the United States and various colonies of European powers. These children mainly worked in agriculture, home-based assembly operations, factories, mining and in services like newspaper boys.

Tamkeen, a child development charity based in Amman, claims that its investigators discovered children as young as three working alongside their parents and siblings on farms near the Dead Sea.
It claims exploitation of child labour is rife throughout Jordan, and estimates that approximately 46% of Syrian refugee boys and 14% of girls aged 14 or over are working more than 44 hours a week. The legal age in Jordan is 16. In these countries little kids are doing small jobs to earn their livelihood and they only earn very very small amount for these types of works. Diala al-Amiri, the executive director of Tamkeen, said Jordanian employers were exploiting the desperation of Syrian refugee families and their children. "Syrian refugee children are found working in restaurants, supermarkets and these kind of services, plus also the agricultural sector,"

If we talk about Pakistan, child labour has increased to too much extent that very small age children are seen working at different cities in Pakistan. In rural areas of Pakistan the rate of child labour has increased to very high extent. Underage children are seen working with their fathers in the fields and doing small jobs.
On the other hand, India is also among the top listed countries in which child labour is very common.  Hundreds of children are forced to work in carpet industry for taking care of their parents or some of them were kidnapped. They work for long hours in gloomy and dirty factories every day and night Their ages are between five to fourteen, and they are chosen to work for the countries because of their outstanding eyesight; they can see clearly in places with little light which is useful to factories. Because of the terrible condition of the industry, many of the children got lung diseases and their eyesight has been damaged. The industry has been growing excessively in past twenty years, but only a few people know that the growth is the result of cruel children labuor.

There are 13 million (8.8%) of children in child labour in Latin America and the Caribbean and in the Middle East and North Africa there are 9.2 million (8.4%).Child labour among girls fell by 40% since 2000, compared to 25% for boys.

Middle east video is strongly against child labour and request people to please stop this otherwise it will destroy our future and refrain our children from learning and education.

Sunday, 14 August 2016


Every nation has a day which becomes history for the whole world. 14th august independence  day of Pakistan is the day freedom for all Pakistani’s. On that day Muslims of the subcontinent which were living like slaves in India got independence. This day is the most remarkable day in the history of Pakistan as for Pakistan’s this day connects them to freedom. This day reminds them about many sacrifices they gave to get this country.

The campaign for getting Pakistan was very dreadful and full of pain and struggle. Muslims of India gave a lot of sacrifices for getting a separate homeland. These types of sacrifices can’t be found in the history of another nation. Muslims got independence after facing many hardships and in fact on 14th august bleeding bodies of Muslims came Pakistan. They were injured and some Muslims died before reaching this homeland. If we talk on the whole, Muslims got this homeland after crossing a river of blood but they didn’t lose hope, they even faced these hardships and crossed that  river of blood. They are so much passionate for their separate homeland.

Chaudary Rehmat Ali suggested the name “Pakistan” for the separate homeland of muslims which means “Neat and Clean”.  He was the student of Cambridge University at that time when he suggested that name.

Quaid-e-azam became the member of Muslim league in 1913. In 1926 a member of Muslim league gave a speech on separate homeland for Muslims and for safeguard of the rights of Muslims. Quaid-e-azam took that mission and devoted his whole carrier for the completion of it. He visited almost whole of Pakistan to gather Muslims and to rise them for freedom. He told every single Muslim to rise for freedom. He told Muslims about their rights and also worked hard to acquire them. With the passage of time Muslims got sense of how to get their rights. They worked hard with full bravery under the guidance of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Actually, 15 august was the selected date for independence but Pakistan got independence on 14th august 1947. Lord mount batten was the cause of early freedom of Pakistan and in this way a lot of mismanagement occurred and blood of many innocent Muslims was wasted.
While working for separate homeland, Muslims of the subcontinent had only one motto on their tongue:
“ we will get Pakistan, we will make Pakistan”. 

Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the national poet of Pakistan also raised the spirit of Muslims. Due to his poetry and efforts of Quaid-e-azam Pakistan got Independece on 14th august 1947. Quaid-e-azam said many quotes to raise the spirit of Muslims for getting separate homeland. As said by Quaid-e-azam:
“Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but muslim ideology which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift and treasure and which we hope others will share with us.”
Quaid's motto, "Work, Work, and Work" is a call to wake us up from slumber and work hard to achieve national goals. It is the earnest desire of every Pakistani to see Pakistan attaining the stature visualized by our great leader, Quaid-e-Azam. Each one of us should try and act upon the golden principles the Quaid gave to the nation and follow him in his footsteps and thus obtain for Pakistan a respectable and dignified place in the comity of nations.
On this special day, middle east video congrats every Pakistani and advises Muslims to take care of this beautiful country which has achieved after many hardships. It is the right of every Pakistani to take care of its soil till its last breath. Pakistan forever.!!!


Summer Olympics!!! now among the hot topics these days. These Games are also known as RIO games 2016, organized by the International Olympic Committee. It is the biggest multi sports event in the whole world. These games have been held in Rio de-Janeiro, Brazil. The duration of these games is from 5th August to 21st August, 2016, while the group stage matches have been started from 3rd august, 2016.

Almost 11,000 athletes are participating in these games selected by 206 national Olympic committees. These games are covering 28 sports along with rugby sevens and golf which were added by international Olympic congress in 2009. These games are taking place at different venues at the host city. These games are firstly held in Portuguese-speaking country, well RIO has become the first city to organize summer Olympics. The choice of the country was made on the basis of the security concerns and strength of the government and many other important issues like population etc.
To become host of this event, each city has to submit an application to national Olympic committee and a bid file containing answers to the different questions given by the NOC (National Olympic Committee). This task is also known as bidding process. On voting basis RIO was selected as the host city for these games.

2016 Summer Olympics bidding results
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Rio de Janeiro
United States

A lot of preparations have been made for these games.19 venues have made for these games among them 9 venues require redevelopment and many new venues have been made especially for these summer games. The Barra Olympic Park is a cluster of nine sporting venues in the west zone of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The nine venues to be used within the Olympic Park are:

  1. ·         Carioca Arena 1 for basketball having capacity of 16,000.
  2. ·         Carioca Arena 2 for wrestling, judo having capacity of 10,000.
  3. ·         Carioca Arena 3 for fencing, taekwondo having capacity of 10,000;
  4. ·         Future Arena for handball having capacity of 12,000
  5. ·         Maria Lenk Aquatics Centre for diving, Synchronised swimming, water polo having                 capacity of 5,000.
  6. ·         Olympic Aquatics Stadium for swimming, water polo play-offs having capacity of                      15,000.
  7. ·         Olympic Tennis Centre for tennis having capacity of 10,000 Main Court.
  8. ·         Rio Olympic Arena for gymnastics having capacity of 12,000.
  9. ·         Rio Olympic Velodrome for track cycling having capacity of 5,000.

Latest technologies have been used for these games. Motion technology has been used to increase the range of photographers to reach at different places of venues.
The opening ceremony took place in the Maracana Stadium on 5 August 2016. This was the first time that the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics was held in a venue other than the athletics stadium.

The 2016 Summer Olympics covers the following sports:
·         Aquatics
·         Diving.
·          Swimming.
·          Synchronized swimming.
·          Water polo.
·          Archery.
·          Athletics.
·          Badminton.
·          Basketball.
·          Boxing.
·          Canoeing
·         Slalom.
·         Sprint.
·          Cycling
·         BMX.
·         Mountain biking.
·         Road 
·         Track 
  •  Equestrian
    • Dressage.
    • Eventing.
    • Jumping.
  •  Fencing.
  •  Field hockey.
  •  Football.
  •  Golf.
  •  Gymnastics.
    • Artistic. 
    • Rhythmic.
    • Trampoline.
  •  Handball.
  •  Judo.
  •  Modern pentathlon.
  •  Rowing.
  •  Rugby sevens.
  •  Sailing.
  •  Shooting.
  •  Table tennis.
  •  Taekwondo.
  •  Tennis.
  •  Triathlon.
  •  Volleyball
    • Volleyball.
    • Beach volleyball.
  •  Weightlifting.
  •  Wrestling
    • Freestyle.
    • Greco Roman 

 As mentioned in the beginning the two new games for Olympic Games’16 are golf and rugby sevens. Two spots have been available for these games. The Olympic golf course was selected for golf and deodoro stadium has been selected for rugby savens.

This was the general introduction and a little bit of information about Olympic games 2016 . To know more keep visiting middle east video and stay tuned …..

Wednesday, 10 August 2016


On August 8, 2016 a suicide bomber attacked the emergency ward of civil hospital Quetta. As a result of this attack a big loss of lives of the people tookplace, especially lawyers and media persons which were there at the fetal shooting of the president of bar council of Baluchistan. This attack killed almost 60 to 70 people which were present there. Tehreek-e-taliban Pakistan (TTP) took the responsibility of this attack with full confidence.

Chief Minister Sanaullah Zehri has blamed RAW for this attack. He said that Indian agencies are trying to destroy peace of Pakistan. He also said that some evidence have been found which proves that this attack has been caused by RAW.

Apart from blaming each other, many important lives have been lost in this incident. Senior camera man of DAWN news Mehmood khan was severely injured and then passed away. Another camera man Shehzad khan  of AAJ news have been killed in this attack. Apart from media persons, many journalists have been killed in this incident which were present there for the fatal shooting of the president of BAR association of Baluchistan.

According to POLICE, the suicide bomber was wrapped in 8 kilograms of explosives including ball bearings and other hitting material. They also said that the suicide bomber tried to enter the main wards but he blast himself at the emergency ward.

According to Director civil hospital, this attack was a security lapse which killed almost 70 people including lawyers and 92 persons are injured. They are admitted in different hospitals for treatment. Adding to this he said that many lawyers standing around also came under influence of this blast.

A doctor at the Civil Hospital had said he had personally counted the dead and confirmed that 52 bodies had been received at the institution. “We have referred over 35 injured to the Bolan Medical Complex and the Combined Military Hospital since we don’t have the space or facilities to treat them,” he said on condition of anonymity as he is not authorized to speak to media.

This suicide attack created a panic and fear among the residence of Quetta. Many shopping centers and malls remained closed after the blast. Bodies of injured and dead people were spread all over the area with flowing blood which came under the influence of blast. There were clouds of dust all over the site of blast. This all created a great panic among people.

After this blast General Raheel Shareef visited civil hospital for security inspection and for the enquiring about the injured persons. He said that “ the blood of martyred and injured will not go waste our country is fighting day and night against terrorists.”

Later on Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef also visited hospital to enquired about injured . He also presided over a meeting on security issues in Quetta along with General Raheel Shareef and many other senior civil and military officers. They took important decisions on security concerns and National actions plan. Prime minister said that national action plan is in progress and soon will be completed with great success. People should corporate with us, their lives will not go waste. 

After all this attack was a big incident, which took lives of many beloved ones. Middle east video strongly condemn this attack as it leads towards violence. Instead of fighting against each other we should stand and fight against these terrorists. We should eliminate them from our lives and don’t let them to come in our lives. We shouldn’t let them to take advantage our weakness because not a single person can stop them. In fact, a complete united nation can stop them from coming towards us.