Sunday, 14 August 2016


Every nation has a day which becomes history for the whole world. 14th august independence  day of Pakistan is the day freedom for all Pakistani’s. On that day Muslims of the subcontinent which were living like slaves in India got independence. This day is the most remarkable day in the history of Pakistan as for Pakistan’s this day connects them to freedom. This day reminds them about many sacrifices they gave to get this country.

The campaign for getting Pakistan was very dreadful and full of pain and struggle. Muslims of India gave a lot of sacrifices for getting a separate homeland. These types of sacrifices can’t be found in the history of another nation. Muslims got independence after facing many hardships and in fact on 14th august bleeding bodies of Muslims came Pakistan. They were injured and some Muslims died before reaching this homeland. If we talk on the whole, Muslims got this homeland after crossing a river of blood but they didn’t lose hope, they even faced these hardships and crossed that  river of blood. They are so much passionate for their separate homeland.

Chaudary Rehmat Ali suggested the name “Pakistan” for the separate homeland of muslims which means “Neat and Clean”.  He was the student of Cambridge University at that time when he suggested that name.

Quaid-e-azam became the member of Muslim league in 1913. In 1926 a member of Muslim league gave a speech on separate homeland for Muslims and for safeguard of the rights of Muslims. Quaid-e-azam took that mission and devoted his whole carrier for the completion of it. He visited almost whole of Pakistan to gather Muslims and to rise them for freedom. He told every single Muslim to rise for freedom. He told Muslims about their rights and also worked hard to acquire them. With the passage of time Muslims got sense of how to get their rights. They worked hard with full bravery under the guidance of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Actually, 15 august was the selected date for independence but Pakistan got independence on 14th august 1947. Lord mount batten was the cause of early freedom of Pakistan and in this way a lot of mismanagement occurred and blood of many innocent Muslims was wasted.
While working for separate homeland, Muslims of the subcontinent had only one motto on their tongue:
“ we will get Pakistan, we will make Pakistan”. 

Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the national poet of Pakistan also raised the spirit of Muslims. Due to his poetry and efforts of Quaid-e-azam Pakistan got Independece on 14th august 1947. Quaid-e-azam said many quotes to raise the spirit of Muslims for getting separate homeland. As said by Quaid-e-azam:
“Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but muslim ideology which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift and treasure and which we hope others will share with us.”
Quaid's motto, "Work, Work, and Work" is a call to wake us up from slumber and work hard to achieve national goals. It is the earnest desire of every Pakistani to see Pakistan attaining the stature visualized by our great leader, Quaid-e-Azam. Each one of us should try and act upon the golden principles the Quaid gave to the nation and follow him in his footsteps and thus obtain for Pakistan a respectable and dignified place in the comity of nations.
On this special day, middle east video congrats every Pakistani and advises Muslims to take care of this beautiful country which has achieved after many hardships. It is the right of every Pakistani to take care of its soil till its last breath. Pakistan forever.!!!

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