Sunday, 21 August 2016


Child Labour is actually the assignment of work to little children in a very small age which snatches their right of childhood and playing. Little kids are little angels and childhood is not the age of work. It is very innocent age which flourish minds of children and prepares it for future but child labour has closed this opportunity for children. little innocent and small children are doing their duties as laborers, weighters, family duties etc. Child labour has increased to very much extent, through most of history. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, many children aged 5–14 from poorer families still worked in Europe, the United States and various colonies of European powers. These children mainly worked in agriculture, home-based assembly operations, factories, mining and in services like newspaper boys.

Tamkeen, a child development charity based in Amman, claims that its investigators discovered children as young as three working alongside their parents and siblings on farms near the Dead Sea.
It claims exploitation of child labour is rife throughout Jordan, and estimates that approximately 46% of Syrian refugee boys and 14% of girls aged 14 or over are working more than 44 hours a week. The legal age in Jordan is 16. In these countries little kids are doing small jobs to earn their livelihood and they only earn very very small amount for these types of works. Diala al-Amiri, the executive director of Tamkeen, said Jordanian employers were exploiting the desperation of Syrian refugee families and their children. "Syrian refugee children are found working in restaurants, supermarkets and these kind of services, plus also the agricultural sector,"

If we talk about Pakistan, child labour has increased to too much extent that very small age children are seen working at different cities in Pakistan. In rural areas of Pakistan the rate of child labour has increased to very high extent. Underage children are seen working with their fathers in the fields and doing small jobs.
On the other hand, India is also among the top listed countries in which child labour is very common.  Hundreds of children are forced to work in carpet industry for taking care of their parents or some of them were kidnapped. They work for long hours in gloomy and dirty factories every day and night Their ages are between five to fourteen, and they are chosen to work for the countries because of their outstanding eyesight; they can see clearly in places with little light which is useful to factories. Because of the terrible condition of the industry, many of the children got lung diseases and their eyesight has been damaged. The industry has been growing excessively in past twenty years, but only a few people know that the growth is the result of cruel children labuor.

There are 13 million (8.8%) of children in child labour in Latin America and the Caribbean and in the Middle East and North Africa there are 9.2 million (8.4%).Child labour among girls fell by 40% since 2000, compared to 25% for boys.

Middle east video is strongly against child labour and request people to please stop this otherwise it will destroy our future and refrain our children from learning and education.

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